Opening Hours

Note – the gaming area is currently closed until further notice, we’ll update when restrictions are lifted and the arena opens again.

Opening times for Kustom GameGrid Gaming Arena are shown below – note that these differ slightly from the shop availability times (see shop opening hours page for availabilty of parts sales / repairs).

Monday - Thursday Noon - 6:00 PM
Friday - Saturday 10AM - 8:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Monday - Thursday Noon - 6:00 PM
Friday - Saturday 10AM - 8:00 PM
Sunday Closed

In future, these opening hours may be reviewed and extended with more evening opening times, for now these are concentrated for the weekend nights of Friday and Saturday.

Additionally, some fixed / themed events will be scheduled which will be noted on the calendar – these will begin from middle of May (co-op play, game theme nights, tournaments) and will be shown on the calendar below and posted via facebook events.